When is it right to “cheat” an exercise?

When is it right to “cheat” an exercise?
Are you tortured by your fitness regime? You’re not alone. The prevailing theory on what fitness is, is torture. Just look at The Biggest Loser or any As-Seen-On-TV DVD program rife with sweaty athletes and endless panting. What do these images do to your head? They plant the impression that absolute pain is necessary to get lean or […]
Have you heard of P90x? Maybe Insanity? I have. I have at least 5 friends who have tried burning fat and “getting ripped” on these programs. These DVD workout programs are as old as time, but the principles are a little newer. Instead of a medium cadence, Simmons-esque calistehnics routine, we have profuse sweating, blood […]
Summary: Your gut and body are killing you from the inside out, and gluten might be the cause of it all… maybe. A quick deep dive into the issue, the media, and what’s really matters: how you respond.
If you’re new to workouts, especially with strength training, you’ve probably seen many programs that uses different exercises for different purposes, all catering to their own personal philosophies. Sometimes, they can be downright confusing on what they ask of you! Perhaps the second greatest workout skill you can learn is reading program notation. Before you can practice […]
One of my differing ideologies from much of the fitness field is my focus on mindset. I don’t mean 100% intensity, slamming weights, and yelling. Though that has a place in training sometimes. I mean getting a person to stick to a workout, ANY workout, without burning out, getting bored, or stagnating on progress. The answer is […]
I have a best friend named Braden. Braden is a laid back kind of guy. Things seem to fall into place when he allows them to. I like him for that. We have a mutual friend in Dan, a talented and kind engineer who happened to have an emerging acne problem. He solicited my advice, […]
Most new trainees I meet tend to fall into 2 categories: They have no notion of “working out” – running, weights, or calisthenic strength training They jog a lot, but nothing else. With both camps, fat loss and toning stagnates. Despite efforts — or lack of efforts — both could not shake off excess fat, nor did they feel much healthier. […]
When it comes to how a body looks, everyone has their own ideal in mind. Some may feel content to fit into clothes. Other want to feel unashamed of their body when in public. Maybe it’s seeing a six pack in the mirror, or having your arms and legs have a little bit of “pop”. While […]
We all start somewhere. For me, it was in 6th grade. My gym class had me perform my very first push-up set. But that didn’t start a lifelong love of fitness. Instead, it was a mix of terror and anxiety. No joke! I exhausted myself push-upping. The next day, my arms felt all bulky, burnt out, and sluggish, […]